Bedford Radio
Local Radio for Bedford
10pm - 4pm

Social media community guidelines

Bedford Radio uses Facebook and Twitter. We're happy that you're following us on either of these channels and look forward to hearing from you.

The following community guidelines have been developed to create an environment where people can engage and are free to make comments, and ask questions about Bedford Radio.

We are always interested in hearing from you, and if you use our channels we ask that you be polite, and respect all other users of our channels.

How we use social media 
If you follow us on social media, we do not automatically follow back.

When we follow other accounts, mention other accounts or use hashtags it does not imply endorsement of any kind. We will retweet or share content where we think it is relevant and interesting, but this is not an endorsement.

Social media platforms may occasionally be unavailable, and we accept no responsibility for our lack of service due to any downtime.

Views and feedback 
We welcome feedback, ideas and engagement and will try to join the conversation where possible, and where it is appropriate to do so. We will not respond to every comment posted on our social media channels, or participate in every discussion in which we are included by other users.

Complaints about either broadcast content or organisational issues should be submitted in line with the relevant complaints procedures, and will not be handled via social media.

We may use your contact information / usernames to respond to messages / comments you send to us.

If you post publicly on social media, we may share / retweet your post with our followers.

You may unsubscribe / unfollow us at any stage.

Our House Rules 
By engaging with our social media channels you agree to follow the guidelines below.

All users must comply with the social media platform's terms of use, as well as these guidelines.

You are wholly responsible for any content you post, including content that you choose to share.

We will ignore or remove, in whole or in part, posts that we judge to be inappropriate.

We will remove, block, ban, mute and / or report users to the relevant social media platform who direct messages at us which we believe

  • Bully, harass or intimidate any individual or organisation
  • Are unlawful, libellous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane
  • Promote discrimination based on the protected characteristics; age, disability, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, religion and sexual orientation
  • Are deceptive or misleading
  • Infringe or violate someone else's rights
  • Violate the law
  • Violate any intellectual property rights
  • Discuss ongoing legal proceedings
  • Are trolling (persistent negative and / or abusive messages in which the aim is to provoke a response)
  • Are irrelevant or off-topic
  • Are disruptive
  • Are repetitive

We will also remove, block, report or ban any user who: 

  • Encourages others to post such messages
  • Uses offensive images as their profile picture
  • Has an offensive user name

We hope never to have to do this, but we hope you understand the reasons why we might do this on rare occasions.

Comments and postings by followers of Bedford Radio on social media do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of Bedford Radio. We reserve the right to modify or change these house rules at any time.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We may use analytics or third parties to analyse our social media channels for trends, insights and engagement. 

Bedford Radio CIC 10017275

Social Media Community Guidelines

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